Cut out the cigarettes. They make your teeth yellow, give you spots, make you smell and can kill you. "Need I say any more".
Drink plenty of water. At least 8 glasses a day.
Exercise. Experts say that exercise isn`t just good for your health but also for your skin.
Feed your skin. Eat five portions of fresh fruit or vegetables per day to keep your skin clear.
Greasy skin is a no-no. Chose oil-free moisturisers.
Heat is bad for your skin. Yes heat can dry your skin out so cool down.
Irritated skin needs a break. Don't conceal it with makeup unless you really have to. The more make-up you apply to your skin the worse you will look as you age.
Kissing is good for exercising the face muscles. So go on get snogging.
Leg waxing will keep your legs clean, soft and will make them feel and look good also.
Moisturise your skin daily.
Neck moisturising will slow your aging and stop the lines showing as much.
Oh-no. Don`t squeeze those spots. Squeezing spots leave scars and will make your face look like a mass of craters.
Puffed eyes, use cucumbers.
Quit eating junk food. It poisons your skin.
Remove make-up before going to sleep.
Soap free. Don`t use soap or scented products on your face.
The T-Zone hot spot that's across your forehead and down the bridge of your nose is where most grease is found.
Understand your skin and care for it`s specific needs.
Vitamin supplements are a quick-fix solution when you are on the go but don`t forget to include vitamins into your every day food.
Waste not want not make a face pack from the things in your cupboard.
EXfoliate - but go easy on yourself. Once a week is enough.
You, you, you. Go on treat yourself. Spend a whole day relaxing and pampering yourself. Or better still get a man to do it for you. AH heaven.
Zzzzzzzzzzzzz - get at least 8 hours a day.
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