Wednesday, October 10, 2007

ULSANIC Chugai/highnoon

ULSANIC Chugai/highnoon

Drug Category: Cytoprotective.

Generic Name: Sucralfate.

Contents: Susp SOOmg: Per 5ml: Sucralfate 500mg.

Susp 1gm: Per 5ml. Sucralfate 1gm.

Tabs 500mg/1gm: Sucralfate 500mg/1gm.

Indications: Acute and chronic forms of gastric and duodenal ulcers, gastritis duodenitis, gastric erosion & bile reflux.

Dosage: Adults: 1gm 4 times daily on empty stom­ach one hour before meals and at bed time. Can also be given 2gm twice a day on empty stomach. Usual treatment period, 4-6 weeks or up to 12 weeks in resistant cases. Prophylaxis, 1gm six times daily; max 8gm daily.

Children: Not recom­mended. Note: No antacids within 1/2 hour before or after ulsanic.

Precautions: Renal impairment.

Interactions: Tetracyclines, phenytoin, Cimetidine, digoxin.

Adverse effects: Constipation, diarrhoea, Gl upset, dry mouth, rash.

Regn.No:Pack:Trade Prices:Retail Prices:

Susp 500mg(032072):120ml: 83.30:98.00.

Susp 1gm(010927):60ml: 83.69:98.46.

Tabs 500mg(005485):20's: 66.51:78.25.

Tabs 1gm(008246):10's: 62.30:73.29.

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